You Should Better Know Your System To Save More Energy
To save energy when we use the systems and equipment in the building, we need to know how these systems operate and how they waste energy. Whether the system is an air conditioning system, hot water system or any other type of system, it should be run efficiently by knowing its principal of operation and how it is controlled.
In most of small to medium buildings there is no facility/building manager resident in the building who should have the technical knowledge and expertise and can understand the operation of these systems and run them efficiently and therefore, this responsibility lay on the building owner and the tenants. We conducted energy audits for a lot of small to medium buildings and in many cases; we found that the users waste energy without knowing they do that. In other cases, we found that some systems and equipment have energy saving functions in their controls but the users did not know about them and they did not use them.
We appreciate that most of the users don’t have that technical knowledge to understand how all the systems in the building operate but the operation principals of these systems can be explained to them in a simple language by an experienced person to help them save energy and reduce their energy bills.
Therefore, what should the building owners and tenants do to better know their building systems and run them more efficiently?
- Engage a qualified energy auditing company to conduct a comprehensive review for all the systems and equipment in the building and to explain to you how these systems operate and how to use them efficiently. In addition, the energy auditing company will provide you with recommendations for energy conservation measures.
- Ask your service agent who services your building systems regularly to sit with you for a cup of coffee and explain to you how these systems operate and how you can run them more efficiently.
- Read the operation manual of these systems when you have time. These manuals usually provide description for the operation of these systems and how to control them. In many cases during our energy audits, we found energy saving functions built-in in the controls of these systems, which can be activated through the user interface but the users did not know about them.
For a comprehensive review and energy audit to your building systems, please contact AESS.