In any home there are so many appliances and equipment consume energy (electricity & gas) without our knowledge on how these appliances operate and how they consume and waste energy. The energy wastage by these appliances lead to higher energy bills and more CO2 emissions, which causes global warming. In many other cases, these appliances are not energy efficient and needs modifications, upgrade or even replacement.
Therefore, AESS role is to conduct energy audit to the homes to assess the efficiency of these appliances and educate the home owners on how to use them efficiently and cut the energy wastage. Also, we recommend to the home owners what type of modifications or replacement they need to implement to increase the efficiency of these appliances.
We go even further than this by performing energy saving calculations to show the home owners how much they will spend on the appliance modification/replacement, how much they will save money per year and also how many years it will take to get their money back from the savings. We also show them how much CO2 emissions can be reduced.